Many popular Japanese manga, such as One Piece, Naruto, and Dragon Ball, have been translated into many languages and have gained worldwide fame. But how did these Japanese manga come into existence? To unravel this mystery, delving into the history of manga in Japan becomes crucial. Specifically, exploring the manga that emerged during the approximately 30-year period following World War II, prior to the creation of the modern manga that enjoys international recognition today, is essential. Though these earlier works may not be widely familiar to non-enthusiasts beyond Japan's borders, they represent a remarkable era when an astonishing volume of manga was published, spanning almost every imaginable genre and showcasing various accomplished forms. In this lecture, I will introduce a multitude of manga from this golden age, which laid the foundation for the birth of the modern manga we appreciate today.
1. Introduction (4:57)
2. Pre-war and post-war manga (12:59)
3. The dark and nonsense manga (14:19)
4. Golden age of manga - 1960s (18:09)